Mackay's southern breakwater hosts top Mackay Triathlon Festival

21 Sep 2018

The Port of Mackay’s Southern Breakwater will host the region’s top triathletes as part of the Mackay Triathlon Festival this weekend.

North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation (NQBP) is proud to support the event by providing the venue.

Mackay Triathlon Club President Jenni Bailey said the use of the Southern Breakwater during the festival is one of the highlights of the event.

“We appreciate NQBP’s ongoing support of community events and in particular our Mackay Triathlon Festival,” Ms Bailey said.

“The Mackay Harbour provides a beautiful backdrop for the festival and Mackay should be very proud of what we can offer,” she said.

General public access (cyclist/pedestrian) to the Southern Breakwater will remain available over the weekend.


North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation contact:
Emilie Power | Regional Stakeholder Engagement Advisor
07 4969 0773 |