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Port rules regulate the business operations of each NQBP port. They are essential to the reliable and efficient operation of each facility.
They also contribute to achieving the highest attainable level of occupational safety and healthy working conditions for its employees, contractors and visitors.
Depending on each port’s activities and infrastructure, rules may apply to a number of different areas. For example, rules may relate to activities in the port, mooring, ship movements, handling or storage of goods, parking or stopping of vehicles, marine fuel transfer and refuelling activities, port development, safety and security or charging.
All port users need to be familiar with the rules governing the use of port facilities for their own protection, protection of the environment and the safety of others. Failure to comply with the port rules is an offence under the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 Qld (TIA). If a port rule is contravened, fines may apply. Maximum penalties for such offences are prescribed in the TIA and outlined in the rules for each port.
Generally, the level of the penalty imposed is proportional to the potential severity and outcome of the offence or contravention.
For the safe, secure and efficient operation of each of its ports, NQBP provides the following documentation to port users for consideration prior to use of port facilities.
Please note that these documents set out the port rules as they relate to duties, responsibilities and authorities under TIA but are not exhaustive.
Port users should be aware of any other laws or legislation that may apply to certain activities within each port area in addition to the port rules. Contravention of these laws or regulations may result in tougher additional penalties.