
Our executive committee bring diverse expertise and experience to the organisation, contributing skills from a variety of backgrounds.

They steer the NQBP team to deliver on our strategic plans, as well as leading by example when it comes to our cultural values and community approach.

A rigorous management performance review process is applied to ensure NQBP executives act responsibly and efficiently. Applied to this performance review is a performance pay scheme for executives. The recommended payments are determined by the board and reported to shareholding ministers.

The board and its related committees also review remuneration recommendations for the CEO and executives.

Headshot of a man smiling at the camera wearing a suit. The background is white.

Brendan Webb 
Chief Executive Officer

Brendan commenced as CEO of NQBP in October 2023. He has extensive commercial ports experience as the former CEO of Ports Victoria and former General Manager Trade and Marine Operations and Acting CEO for NQBP from 2017 to 2022. He also has held senior leadership roles in heavy haulage, mining support with experience in commercial sales, trade development, 24/7 operations including safety and emergency management.

Brendan is responsible for ensuring that NQBP manages safe and efficient ports that connect regional Queensland to the world by balancing the needs of iconic natural environments, communities, stakeholders and port users. He has overall responsibility for strategic leadership, direction and operations, effectively leading the organisation’s response to Government Policy, changing market conditions and customer and community demands in order to deliver value to NQBP’s shareholders.

Belinda Kenny BCom, CPA
Chief Financial Officer

Belinda Kenny joined NQBP in October 2020 and is a finance professional with more than 15 years’ of experience in the manufacturing and agricultural sectors.

Before joining NQBP, Belinda was Chief Financial Officer for MSF Sugar Pty Ltd for six years.

A Certified Practising Accountant (CPA), Belinda’s portfolio spans finance, procurement, risk and assurance, safety, and information communication and technology.

Professional headshot of a man.

Darren Brownsey BBus
General Manager Commercial and Maritime Services

Darren is a seasoned expert in business development, strategy and logistics and is currently serving as the General Manager Commercial and Maritime Services at NQBP. With profound commercial expertise in the resource and transport-related sectors, Darren excels in driving strategic business transformations, operations management and growth. His extensive executive background includes leading both large-scale and niche teams across a variety of disciplines.

Darren leads NQBP's strategy, commercial, property, communications and pilotage functions to ensure trade is prioritised and key stakeholders needs are met.

Tim Lewis

Tim Lewis BEng (Hons), MEng, CEng, MICE, CPEng, FIEAust, RPEQ
General Manager Infrastructure and Operations

Tim is a chartered engineer with more than 20 years of professional experience, specialising principally in maritime engineering design, construction and project management.

He joined NQBP in 2016 and has worked on large infrastructure projects in the UK, the Middle East and Australia.

He is a fellow of The Institution of Engineers Australia.

Woman with dark hair smiling at the camera.

Carissa Mansfield BBus (HRM), GradDipOHS, MBA, GAICD, GradCertBusLaw
General Manager People, Safety, Environment and Sustainability

Carissa has held leadership and strategic roles across diverse sectors including agriculture, manufacturing, mining (opencut and underground), construction, oil and gas and has more than 20 years of experience. Her operational and executive experience covers all areas of human resource management, culture, communications, health and safety, sustainability and environmental management.