North Wall recreational area improvement project

We’re investing around two million dollars to improve the recreational area at North Wall Beach, near the Port of Mackay.

At NQBP, we share the passion the community has for safeguarding the local environment and ensuring the community has continued recreational access to North Wall Beach.​

We’re looking forward to enhancing the area’s natural beauty while maintaining its unique and peaceful outlook.

The improvements to the North Wall recreational area will provide long-term benefits not only for its current visitors but also for future generations.​

With a local office in Mackay, landscape architects at RPS Group were engaged to develop the project layout, which has now been finalised.​

It’s anticipated that the project (including construction) will be completed by mid 2025.

A concept design

North Wall Concept Images

Community engagement

We worked with representatives from our key stakeholder groups such as the Yuwi  Aboriginal Corporation, Mackay and District Turtle Watch and our Port of Mackay Community Reference Group to seek input and feedback on the project and the layout design.​

Broader community feedback was also considered from about 60 online survey submissions we received in May 2024.

We will continue to work with our key stakeholders on the project as it progresses through the construction stage.

Based on community and stakeholder feedback we received the final layout design includes the following:

  • A sealed car park
  • An additional overflow area
  • Landscaping
  • Additional shaded picnic tables and seating
  • Two external beach showers and taps
  • An amenities block (daylight hours access)
  • Improved accessibility including all-ability car parks, amenities and footpaths
  • Additional signage (including turtle education and recognition of Yuwi Traditional Owners)
  • Additional bins
  • Maintenance of the beach access steps
  • Additional lighting (turtle friendly)
  • Infrastructure to allow potential future temporary pop-up business opportunities (coffee vans etc)
  • Improved fencing / bollards

Due to community feedback, available budget, complexities of required scientific studies and/or approval timeframes, there are some exclusions to this project. These include but may not be limited to:

  • Erosion management. A separate project is underway to develop a Shoreline Erosion  Management Plan (SEMP) for North Wall Beach which is required before any coastal works can occur in the area.​
  • Changed access to the beach, including disability access. Changes to beach access will be considered in the future following the completion of the above-mentioned SEMP.
  • Recreational boating/fishing facilities (boat ramps, fishing platforms, artificial reefs etc).
  • Playground and/or play infrastructure.
  • BBQ facilities.
  • Boardwalks or pathways through environmental areas.
  • Any activity or development that is not aligned with the Master Plan for the Priority Ports of Hay Point/Mackay prepared by the Department of Transport and Main Roads, or other Commonwealth or State requirements, approvals and environmental protection measures that apply.

Project stages and status

Project stageActivityStatus
1Engagement of landscape architectsComplete
2Key stakeholder consultationComplete
3Preliminary layout designComplete
4Preliminary layout announcedComplete
5Community consultationComplete
6Final layout designComplete
7Final layout announcementComplete
8Construction tender and approval processUnderway
9Construction worksScheduled early 2025
10Project completionExpected mid-2025

Construction impacts

During the construction phase, every effort will be made to minimise disruption to the community, however at times it may be necessary to restrict public access to the North Wall beach recreational area to ensure safety.

Have your say

If you have any queries or need further information on this project, please email us.

Stay tuned for updates on social media.

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