NQBP Community Fund Application Form

Is your organisation a registered charity? *
Do you have public liability insurance? A copy may be requested if your application is successful.
How did you find out about the NQBP Community Fund? *
About your Initiative/Project/Event and How it Aligns with NQBP

Community impact

Initiative should identify a societal or environmental need or needs in our port communities and make a real difference.
Which port community will your initiative / project / event benefit *

Strategic Linkages

Initiative must align to one or more of NQBP’s Strategic Themes and/or be directly relevant to a current NQBP project.
Which of NQBP’s strategic themes does your initiative / project / event align to / support? Select all that apply *
Which NQBP value/s does your initiative / project / event best align with? Select all that apply *

Diversity and Inclusion

Initiative should be consistent with or promote the principles of diversity and inclusion.
Does your initiative / project / event embrace the principles of diversity and inclusion such as gender diversity and First Nations Peoples? *


A maximum of $9,500 is available per initiative.
Have you previously received funding from NQBP? *


Initiative should create opportunities to raise awareness about NQBP and/or port operations.
How will your partnership with NQBP be promoted? Select all that apply *

Evaluating our partnership

Do you agree to complete an evaluation survey on completion of your initiative / project / event? * The survey will assist NQBP in evaluating the partnership and the resulting benefits to the port community.


NQBP adheres to the requirements established by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld). By providing your personal information, you are consenting to NQBP’s use of that information for the purposes of future communications. NQBP will not disclose your personal information to third parties without your consent, subject to legal requirements.